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- <--Brief description of the religion including cultural connections, and regions where it exists.-->
First Appearance
- <--Description of the origins of the faith.-->
- Other Names
- Qeisar
- Qeisar is the Waejiran god of the seasons. Called the Slave at the Wheel, Qeisar is responsible for advancing the seasons. He was tricked by Baileia into stealing the secret of the wheel from Vorsha's Library, and in punishment is forced to turn the seasons for the rest of eternity. Qeisar is born of Kaithur and Sidaelia. Qeisar is depicted as a man covered in lash marks, and emaciated from being underfed, and overworked. He appears bent from his labours, but wears an expression of joy or ecstasy. Typically shown turning a ox-wheel upon which the four seasons can be seen in sequence
Key Dates
- 1st of the First Month
- Qeisar's Night - On the night of the new year Waejirans mark the journey of Qeisar having completed a full years cycle a new year begins with the dawn, and Qeisar trudges onward turning the seasons with a quickened pace.
- 1st of the 7th Month
- Qeisar's Day - At the end of summer Waejirans mark the journey of Qeisar, having completed a half cycle of the year. Qeisar's pace begins to slow and the days get shorter, while the nights get longer.
Church Hierarchy
- Holy Seat
- <--where is the central authority-->
- Pontiff
- <--top cleric in the hierarchy-->
- Cardinals
- Archbishops
- Bishops
- Priest
- Acolytes
- Laity
Clerical Orders
- <--Order-->
- <--Brief description-->
Fighting Orders
- <--Order-->
- <--Brief description-->
Tenets of the Faith
- <--basic beliefs structures-->
- <--Sectarianism-->
- <--Briefly describe heretical ideas or behaviours-->
The Celestial Realm
- Other Names
- <--describe the realms as perceived and depicted by believers.-->
Divine Servitors
- Other Names
- Dustias Qeisarus (priest and astrologer)
See Also
<--list of links to related pages-->