West Watchpost
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- The town watch operates out of a pair of permanent watchposts.
- Kemp Hyläböm, Kythus
- The West Watchpost is located in the lower quarter of town adjacent to the lower market square.
Services Provided
- Barracks
- The watchpost provides a barracks for a single watch patrol.
- Jail
- There are six cramped cells in the watchpost which can reasonably hold one prisoner each, although more could be held if necessary.
- Sergeant of the Watch
- A singular sergeant of the watch will be posted here.
- Guards
- A squad of four town guard are posted here at all times.
- The West watchpost was built in 238 YG to match the design of the East Watchpost. A fourth floor was added in 320 YG. The lower level provides space for the on duty watch patrols, and cells for detaining criminals awaiting the town's justice. The second floor is a barracks for the guards who are off duty. the third floor is used as an emergency store for foodstuff. The topmost floor is a covered overlook to observe the town and its approach from the West.
- Tövna Banadlyu (captain of the watch)
- Ulova (town watch)