The Night Warden

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The Night Warden of Green Sword Prison; Green Jailer
The night warden is a rumoured monster that specifically stalks the wards of the Green Sword, a prison in the Tabrani city of Seyp-Qat.
Stories from Prisoners persist, of a large creature built somewhat like a man that enters the prison from time to time on dark moonless nights which hunts for a meal amongst the incarcerated.
It is said that the raspy halting breath and scraping sound of dragging chains can be heard as it stalks amongst the cells picking out a likely meal.
Prisoners who are taken by the monster are dismissed as simply having died in their sleep, and being disposed of like any other corpse.


Descriptions of the Night Warden always include elements of wet sodden robes, dragging shackles on long chains, and the oversized hunched form of a large man.
There are differing opinions of the night Warden's nature:
  • Some say it is the ghost of condemned pirate captain seeking revenge after his death.
  • Some say it is some marine troll that has found a way into the prison through the sewers.
  • Some say it is a demon drawn to the misery of the prison and its occupants.


Alongside the varied possible origins of the monster are several conflicting accounts of its powers.

  • It can cloud the minds of ordinary people, making them discount its appearance, or even forget that they saw the beast.
  • It can read minds and learn secrets from those it encounters.
  • It can regenerate damage, even from fire or magical sources, making it functionally immortal.
  • It can squeeze through small openings, like sewer grates or the bars of prison cells.
  • It can breathe underwater like a fish.


See Also

Green Sword