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- <--Brief description of the religion including cultural connections, and regions where it exists.-->
First Appearance
- <--Description of the origins of the faith.-->
- Other Names
- Qaela
- Qaela is a Waejiran goddess, and the patroness of thieves and conspirators. Called the “Daughter of Dusk”, Qaela was fathered by Balfagor and born of Saedeia. Qaela is usually pictured as a stern faced woman. She is armed with a dagger, and candle that burns with a black flame. Sometimes she has a serpent draped about her shoulders.
Key Dates
- 16th of the 7th Month
- Qaela's Night - As the days begin to give way to nights, the Daughter of Dusk gains strength. This is a night spent indoors by most, but devotees of Qaela will venture forth, and the first whispers of conspiracies begin on this holy night.
Church Hierarchy
- Holy Seat
- <--where is the central authority-->
- Pontiff
- <--top cleric in the hierarchy-->
- Cardinals
- Archbishops
- Bishops
- Priest
- Acolytes
- Laity
Clerical Orders
- <--Order-->
- <--Brief description-->
Fighting Orders
- <--Order-->
- <--Brief description-->
Tenets of the Faith
- <--basic beliefs structures-->
- <--Sectarianism-->
- <--Briefly describe heretical ideas or behaviours-->
The Celestial Realm
- Other Names
- <--describe the realms as perceived and depicted by believers.-->
Divine Servitors
- Other Names
- Areiasura Qaelau (acolyte of Qaela)
<--list of related stories-->