Corinthean (calendar)

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Corinthean's have devised their own calendar composed of fifteen months, one for each city state, each with a length of forty-eight days. These are further subdivided into six weeks, each being eight days in length. The new year begins on the vernal equinox.

Month Names

  1. Month of Spring - Iune'iece
  2. Month of the Rabbuc - Iunemodria
  3. Month of the Snake - Iune'iofloa
  4. Month of Summer - Iune'aglae
  5. Month of the Shelf - Iuneqospi
  6. Month of the Lion - Iune'aeci
  7. Month of the Sea - Iune'eaneniah
  8. Month of Autumn - Iuneniespi
  9. Month of Sword - Iunecafai
  10. Month of Tides - Iunebriedio
  11. Month of the Olost - Iunetetei
  12. Month of Winter - Iune'ina
  13. Month of the Cat - Iunedreuzex
  14. Month of the Whale - Iunegeoki
  15. Month of the Hill - Iuneteiha

Key Dates

1st of the 1st Month
New Year / Spring Equinox
37th of the 4th Month
Summer Solstice
25th of the 8th Month
Autumnal Equinox
13th of the 12th Month
Winter Solstice


See Also