Cairns of the Departed

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The cairns are a cleared forest glade containing stone cairns under which the local Etausi bury their dead. the graves are marked with funerary staves, decorated with various carved stone, bone and wood charms. the place is reserved for the dead, and the Etausi will generally avoid the locale except during burials or specific acts of remembrance.


Singing Water Rook, Darlom Mountains
The cairns are located approximately one kilometer south-west of the rook's grotto, on the high ridge alongside one of the tributary streams which feed the falls and lake.


A trio of Etausi from the rook is usually watching over the site to prevent disturbance of the departed by scavenging animals.


The Etausi from the singing Water Rook have been burying their dead in this site for nearly a century, although the number of cairns present in the clearing may not reflect the true numbers buried here. Older moss and fern covered cairns can be found amongst the trees nearby.



See Also