Moda Hiem Insurrection
From World of Entorais Wiki
- Name
- Other Names
- Overview
Umthan Khuri, the governor of the Iskandean Island of Moda Hiem, is presently cracking down on insurrection bordering on open rebellion, which started in the spring of 800 YG.
These rebels are fighting against excessive taxation, and strict rule, hoping to force the Khurain to abdicate his position for a more lenient candidate. At present they are still disorganized without a clear leader, so have not seen much progress towards their goal.
The current Khur of Iskander is choosing not to intercede, and has told the Kharian to solve his own problems, as it is presently a local matter only affecting Moda Hiem.
- Umthan (Khurian of Moda Hiem)
- Cadrick Darmot (rebel)