List of Waejiran Idioms
From World of Entorais Wiki
Waejirwu Literal English Meaning ulel on creip find water good luck primu dry well bad luck koc eliniaht unei stoneless shoes safe journey wonu ekiawar gi horse on fire putting in maximal effort bet onei stib aiko onei grapes and cheese to be successful cren an agi etizik spit at the rain pointless or wasted effort agi dail epetiok out-ride the dawn attempt the impossible apospict on gi craintik topple a brazier cause a disturbance eler on gi obajik pull an ear reveal a secret Haesur un aegilk ifak gave to Haesur kept a secret shistcrult on agi cairip fak awaiting the whip being lazy creizt onei griurip calling pennies be poor aenist unei aenist enei fru slaves have slaves be wealthy priu oqetean steist un ant on agi first flower in the garden beautiful priu bid steist un ant on agi last flower in the garden homely preint up inei east winds good news preint nun inei west winds bad news Kaithur un bravik ifak Kaithur smiled received a good deal iniaht ihetrek unei crezt enei pennies for pebbles made a bad deal Neithur creicai un shiutai go with Neithur die ewek onei agi osiakip singing to the stars in a drunken state rabbuc ilef enei agi waelip suckling the rabbuc's teat shirking work