Stiep Aniu

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'For your crimes against the city and her people you are hereby sentenced to death. May the crabs feast upon your corpse."


The Stiep Aniu is a rock ledge at the top of the southern cliffs. The exposed prominence is used for punishment of capitol crimes for which the sentence is death. The condemned are flung from the ledge to fall to their death on the rocks below. No burial occurs and the scavengers of the flats make short work of the corpses of the executed criminals.


Miac'Bredio, Corinthea

Stiep Aniu is located at the crest of the southern cliffs, at the very edge of the city. Rails and viewing decks have been built for those bearing witness to the executions.


The rock has been the site of many deaths over the centuries. Not only those of executed criminals, but also the suicides of spurned lovers, victims of murder, and other sorrowful souls. Some claim the ricks beneath the cliff are permanently stained with the blood of the departed, but also that ghosts of some wrongfully killed haunt the area.



See Also