Template:Settlement Professions Table

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Profession Households Profession Households Profession Households Profession Households
Apothecaries 3.33 Coopers 14.29 Magic Shop 3.57 Rug Makers 5.00
Arcanists 0.40 Copyists 5.00 Maidservants 40.00 Saddlers 10.00
Bakers 12.50 Cutlers 4.35 Markers 1.43 Scabbard Makers 11.76
Barbers 28.57 Doctors (Lic.) 5.88 Masons 20.00 Scholars 2.00
Bathers 5.26 Doctors (Unlic.) 28.57 Mercers 14.29 Sculpters 5.00
Blacksmiths 6.67 Dyers 1.33 Moneylenders 1.00 Shipwrights 1.00
Bleachers 4.76 Fences 0.83 Musicians 10.53 Shoemakers 28.57
Book Binders 3.33 Fishmongers 8.33 Noblehouses 50.00 Slavers 1.00
Booksellers 1.59 Furriers 22.22 Old Clothing 25.00 Spice Merchants 7.14
Breeders 1.25 Glassworkers 5.00 Ostlers 1.00 Tanners 5.00
Brewers 7.14 Glovemakers 4.17 Painters 6.67 Taverns/Restaurants 16.67
Buckle Makers 7.14 Greengrocers 8.33 Pastry Cooks 20.00 Thespians 4.00
Butchers 8.33 Harness Makers 5.00 Perfumers 1.67 Timberwrights 4.17
Carpenters 18.18 Hatmakers 10.53 Plasterers 7.14 Wainwrights 2.00
Cartographers 1.67 Hay Merchants 4.35 Potters 8.33 Water Carriers 11.76
Chandlers 14.29 Illuminators 2.56 Priests 10.00 Weavers 16.67
Chicken Butchers 10.00 Inns 5.00 Pursemakers 9.09 Wine Sellers 11.11
Citywatch 66.67 Jewellers 11.76 Ratters 2.00 Woodcarvers 4.17
Clergy 250.00 Lawyers 10.53 Roofers 5.56
Clothiers 28.57 Locksmiths 5.26 Ropemakers 5.26

(Household estimates based on a population of 10,000 persons.)