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Miac'Briedio - City of Tides
Miac'Briedio is located on an island surrounded by a vast tidal flat. The daily tidal cycle provides both security against outside threats and supports the local fishing industry. The shallows, tides and currents in the nearby waters make it difficult for larger ships to anchor close to the city itself, but flat profiled skiffs and barges are a common sight ferrying goods and people in and out of the city at high tide.
City Totem
As with all Corinthean city states, Miac'Briedio, has a totem whom the locals revere as a lesser god figure. The particular totem of this city is that of a equarae eane, a mythical horse like creature that has flowing seaweed for a mane and tail. it is said that these wild mounts can run or swim equally well in water of any depth. Sailors and fishers from Miac'Briedio will gift the local totem with sheaves of grain before departing the city on lengthy voyages, to seek its blessing for safe waters and favourable tides and winds.


Merelean Coast, Corinthea
The city of Miac'Briedio is completely covers a saddle shaped island on the coast of Annexea where the land gives way to the Merelean Sea in wide shallows and tidal flats. The island has 20-30 metre high cliffs on the north-east and southern edges, rocky beaches along its eastern side, and gently slopes towards the middle and western side where the beaches are sandy. There is approximately 1.2 kilometres of sandy muddy flats between the island and the mainland, dotted with tidal pools and a lacework of channels which drain the water back out to the sea at low tide.


48,300 persons
  • Corinthean 92%
  • Kythan 5%
  • Other Ethnicity 3%
Profession Households Profession Households Profession Households Profession Households
Apothecaries 16.10 Coopers 69.00 Magic Shop 17.25 Rug Makers 24.15
Arcanists 1.93 Copyists 24.15 Maidservants 193.20 Saddlers 48.30
Bakers 60.38 Cutlers 21.00 Markers 6.90 Scabbard Makers 56.82
Barbers 138.00 Doctors (Lic.) 28.41 Masons 96.60 Scholars 9.66
Bathers 25.42 Doctors (Unlic.) 138.00 Mercers 69.00 Sculpters 24.15
Blacksmiths 32.20 Dyers 6.44 Moneylenders 4.83 Shipwrights 4.83
Bleachers 23.00 Fences 4.03 Musicians 50.84 Shoemakers 138.00
Book Binders 16.10 Fishmongers 40.25 Noblehouses 241.50 Slavers 4.83
Booksellers 7.67 Furriers 107.33 Old Clothing 120.75 Spice Merchants 34.50
Breeders 6.04 Glassworkers 24.15 Ostlers 4.83 Tanners 24.15
Brewers 34.50 Glovemakers 20.13 Painters 32.20 Taverns/Restaurants 80.50
Buckle Makers 34.50 Greengrocers 40.25 Pastry Cooks 96.60 Thespians 19.32
Butchers 40.25 Harness Makers 24.15 Perfumers 8.05 Timberwrights 20.13
Carpenters 87.82 Hatmakers 50.84 Plasterers 34.50 Wainwrights 9.66
Cartographers 8.05 Hay Merchants 21.00 Potters 40.25 Water Carriers 56.82
Chandlers 69.00 Illuminators 12.38 Priests 48.30 Weavers 80.50
Chicken Butchers 48.30 Inns 24.15 Pursemakers 43.91 Wine Sellers 53.67
Citywatch 322.00 Jewellers 56.82 Ratters 9.66 Woodcarvers 20.13
Clergy 1207.50 Lawyers 50.84 Roofers 26.83
Clothiers 138.00 Locksmiths 25.42 Ropemakers 25.42

Local Government

Capan Eajiod
The Oqio has an appointed council of ministers which help run the city-state. The current serving ministers are:




Caiglaid Eokeicrfeo (theatre)
Low Sun Shore (tavern)
Mucker's Market (marketplace)
Mud Tower (lighthouse)
Stiep Aniu (execution site)


Capan Eajiod (present oqio)
Cefia Geoki (minister of the treasury)
Flios Uthei (minister of trade)
Giogiuaras Iugus (theatre manager)
Heudias Vieas (minister of arms)
Iugeazas Gium (minister of records)
Keilet (executioner)
Leibion Dai (market manager)
Spoglos Aniu (minister of commons)


See Also