Oprobjëtëg Hyplëgu
From World of Entorais Wiki
- Names
- Oprobjëtëg Hyplëgu - Salt Creek
- Oprobjëtëg Hyplëgu is a hamlet which primarily gathers salt from the lakeshore.
- Size
- 36
- Composition
- Kythan 100%
Local Government
- Reeve
- [[<name name>]]
- <name name>, being the eldest of the hamlet's population, is the de facto leader of Oprobjëtëg Hyplëgu.
- Founded
- 265 YG
- A permanent settlement was founded in 265 YG at the site of seasonal camps used for gathering salt for about a century prior. Due to the lack f readily available fresh water, and the fishless nature of the lake the settlement hasn't grown larger than a handful of small homes and workshops. The locals collect and purify what salt they collect for sale to other villages. The entire village has a weathered and grey appearance, which includes the residents themselves.
- [[<name name>]] (reeve)