Lake Malys

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Lake Malys
Other Names
Crescent Lake
Freshwater Lake

Lake Malys is a large crescent shaped lake that formed from water filling a large impact crater from a meteor strike that occurred several millennia ago. The lake forms a junction of several tributary rivers which feed the lake, before the water flows out via the Malys River to the Torcastan Sea.


Plains of Tekara, Anexea
Lake Malys is located within the Plains of Tekara, several leagues from the coast.


The Malys River basin is the traditional clanhold of Clan Sand Tra, As such, several small fishing hamlets dot the shores of this lake.


A hill occupies the eastern half of the lake, surrounded by water on three side and sloping away to the East where the Malys River outflows on the south side. This hill is a traditional refuge site for the local Malys, although no significant permanent structures have been built upon it.


The lake has always been a place of mystery for the Malys. Numerous legends and superstitions exist regarding the origin and shape of the lake.


See Also